Take special care of the health of your kids, especially young children, amidst the changing seasons. Consult a doctor at Felix Hospital immediately if your child under one year has a severe cough, stops taking milk and food, has a high fever, and has diarrhea to avoid future complications.

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The immunity of children is very weak. Therefore they easily catch cough and cold. You can monitor your child at home. Measure the child's breathing rate (respiratory rate) and oxygen saturation (with a pulse oximeter) three to four times a day. Oxygen saturation should be 94% and above.

Pneumonia is the biggest killer of diseases among children in the country. It kills about 25 percent of children. A little carelessness in the treatment of children can become life-threatening.

Some of the common symptoms in the changing weather are:

  • Nose Block
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Water flowing from the eyes
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Mild fever
  • Feeling of pain in the chest
  • Difficulty breathing deeply

How Can You Help Your Child From Falling Sick?

  • Measures to Prevent from Falling Your Child Ill
  • Give your child lukewarm water to drink
  • Keep your kids away from a sick or infected person
  • Make your children drink Tulsi and ginger Kada or tea in this weather
  • Avoid cold things like cold drinks, ice-creams, etc.
  • Prevent your children from going in cold air
  • Do not light a candle in a closed room. It can lead to a lack of oxygen.

Consult a pediatrician near you at Felix Hospital for any problems related to your child.

Call Now at +91 9667064100 or email us at dm@felixhospital.com.

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