The cost of angiography test in Noida, India, can vary depending on various factors. The type of angiography, the medical facility or hospital where the test is being performed, and your insurance coverage can all affect the cost of the test. Generally, the cost for angiography in Noida can range from INR 8,999 to INR 15,000. However, the cost may go up if additional procedures, such as angioplasty or stenting, are required.

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Angiography Test Cost in Noida

Starting Cost

₹ 8,999

Average Cost

₹ 11,000

Maximum Cost

₹ 15,000


Average Cost of Angiography Test

The average price of angiography in Noida comes to around INR 15,000. However, the actual cost of the test may vary depending on several factors, such as the type of angiography, the medical facility or hospital where the test is being performed, and your insurance coverage. It is recommended to contact the hospital or medical facility directly to obtain the most accurate information on the angiography hospital in Noida.

Factors Affecting Angiography Test Cost

Angiography is a diagnostic imaging technique and it is a commonly performed test in Noida. The angiography price can vary depending on various factors. So now let’s have a look at those factors which affect the cost of the angiography test:

  • Type of Angiography:

The cost for angiography can vary based on the type of test being performed. There are several types of angiography tests, such as coronary angiography, cerebral angiography, and pulmonary angiography. The complexity and equipment required for each type of angiography can impact the cost.

  • Hospital or Diagnostic Centre:

The cost of angiography test can vary depending on the hospital or diagnostic center where the test is being conducted. Different hospitals and centers have different pricing policies, infrastructure, and quality of services, which can impact the cost. But you don’t need to worry about the high prices because Felix Hospital offers the angiography test at the cheapest cost ever.

  • Doctor's Fees:

The fees charged by the doctor who performs the angiography test can also impact the overall cost. Experienced and well-known doctors may charge higher fees compared to less experienced doctors.

  • Additional Tests or Procedures:

Additional tests or procedures may be required before or after the angiography test, which can add to the overall cost. For example, blood tests, electrocardiogram (ECG), or chest X-rays may be necessary to assess the patient's health condition.

  • Insurance Coverage:

The cost of angiography test can vary depending on whether the patient has health insurance coverage. Insurance providers may cover some or all of the cost, depending on the terms of the policy. Patients are advised to check with their insurance provider regarding the coverage for angiography.

  • Location:

The location of the hospital or diagnostic center can also affect the cost of angiography. Hospitals and centers located in prime areas may charge higher fees compared to those located in less expensive areas.

In conclusion, several factors can affect the price of angiography in Noida. Patients are advised to consult with their healthcare provider or diagnostic center to get a detailed breakdown of the cost and factors that may affect the cost. Visit Felix Hospital to get the most affordable price on any kind of angiography test. Call +91 9667064100.


Insurance for Angiography in Noida

When considering insurance for angiography in Noida, it is important to understand what is covered and what is not covered under your policy. Most insurance policies cover the cost of the procedure itself, including the cost of the dye used in the procedure. However, some policies may not cover the cost of any medications or other treatments that may be required as a result of the angiography. You can visit Felix Hospital for getting the most low cost for angiography. In addition, many insurance policies have a waiting period before coverage begins. This means that you may have to wait a certain amount of time before you can make a claim for angiography. It is important to understand the waiting period and any other restrictions or limitations of your policy before you undergo the procedure. Therefore, it is important to research and compare different insurance options to find the policy that provides the best coverage for your needs.

Angiography Test Cost Overview

The cost of angiography test can vary depending on the type of test and the healthcare facility where the test is performed. In Noida, the cost of different types of coronary angiography tests are as follows:

  • Diagnostic Coronary Angiography:

The cost of this test in Noida can range from INR 8,999 to INR 15,000. The cost may vary depending on the hospital, the type of room, and other factors.

  • Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) Coronary Angiography:

The cost for angiography can range from INR 8,999 to INR 15,000. The cost may vary depending on the hospital, the type of room, and other factors.

  • Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Coronary Angiography:

The cost of this test in Noida can range from INR 8,999 to INR 15,000. The cost may vary depending on the hospital, the type of room, and other factors.

  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Coronary Angiography:

The price of angiography can range from INR 8,999 to INR 15,000. The cost may vary depending on the hospital, the type of room, and other factors.

It is important to note that the costs mentioned above are approximate and may vary depending on various factors, such as the location, hospital, type of room, and other medical expenses. Additionally, these costs do not include any additional costs that may be incurred, such as the cost of medications, consultation fees, and other related expenses. It is recommended that patients consult with their healthcare provider to get an accurate estimate of the cost of the test. Call Felix Hospital right now to get an estimate of the cost for angiography.


How is Angiography Test Cost Calculated?

The angiography test cost is determined by the following factors:
Type of Angiography: The cost may vary depending on the type of angiography test being performed, such as coronary angiography, cerebral angiography, or pulmonary angiography.

  • Diagnostic Purpose:

The reason for the angiography test may also affect the cost, as a diagnostic angiography may be less expensive than a therapeutic angiography.

  • Hospital or Clinic:

The cost of the angiography test may vary depending on the hospital or clinic where the test is being performed. Private hospitals or clinics may charge more than government hospitals.

  • Location:

The cost of angiography test may also vary depending on the location. Tests performed in metropolitan cities may cost more than those in smaller cities or towns.

  • Type of Room:

The cost of angiography may differ depending on the type of room selected for the procedure, such as a private room or a shared room.

  • Specialist Fees:

The cost of this specialized test may also include the fees charged by the specialist who performs the procedure.

  • Medical Insurance:

The angiography test cost may be covered partially or fully by medical insurance, depending on the type of policy and coverage.

  • Equipment and Supplies:

The cost of the angiography test may also be influenced by the type of equipment and supplies used during the procedure.

  • Additional Tests:

Additional tests or procedures that may be required in conjunction with the angiography test may also affect the overall cost.

It is important to note that the cost of angiography test can vary widely and may depend on additional factors not mentioned above. It is always advisable to consult with your healthcare provider and insurance provider to understand the cost of the test and any potential out-of-pocket expenses.


Tips to Reduce Angiography Test Cost

Angiography tests can be costly, and it is important to consider ways to reduce the cost of the test. Here are some tips to help reduce angiography test cost:

  • Check Insurance Coverage:

Before undergoing an angiography test, it is important to check with your insurance provider to see if the test is covered by your policy. If it is, the insurance company may cover a portion of the cost, reducing out-of-pocket expenses. Visit Felix Hospital for availing of the most reasonable angiography price.

  • Compare the Cost:

Compare the cost of different hospitals and choose the one that offers the best value for money. Consider choosing a hospital where the quality of care provided meets your standards. So without a second thought, simply choose Felix Hospital for getting the best quality of diagnostic services, as well as getting the cheapest and most affordable cost for angiography.

  • Negotiate the Cost:

It is possible to negotiate the cost of the angiography test with the hospital or clinic. If you are paying out of pocket, try negotiating the price or asking for discounts.

  • Avoid Unnecessary Tests:

Your doctor may recommend additional tests or procedures along with the angiography test, which can increase the overall cost. Talk to your doctor and ask if all of the recommended tests are necessary. Call at +91 9667064100 to talk to the expert doctors of Felix Hospital and get guidance for them regarding availing yourself of the most feasible angiography price.

  • Choose a Shared Room:

Opting for a shared room instead of a private room can reduce the cost of the angiography test. However, it is important to consider your comfort and privacy needs before choosing a shared room.

  • Ask for a Payment Plan:

Some hospitals and clinics offer payment plans that allow you to pay for the angiography test in installments. So you should inquire about it if this is an option for you.

Reducing the cost of angiography test can be challenging, but by following these tips, you may be able to save money without compromising the quality of care received.


What is Angiography?

Coronary Angiography is a diagnostic procedure that uses X-rays to provide images of the heart and the blood vessels going to the heart. The dye is injected into the artery during the process. The test is typically performed to see if there is a limitation in blood flow to the heart. There may be varying angiography fees for this minimally invasive outpatient surgery that involves a brief recovery period and no hospital stay.  

Trust and choose Felix Hospital for getting the most affordable and budget-friendly angiography price.

Why Angiography is Done?

Coronary angiography is done if:

  • You are feeling angina for the first time.
  • Your angina is worsening.
  • You have aortic stenosis or another type of valve issue.
  • You have unusual chest pain despite the fact that all other tests are normal.
  • You had a heart stress test that was abnormal.
  • You've been diagnosed with a heart attack.
  • You are about to have heart surgery.
  • You are suffering from heart failure.

Now get your Coronary angiography done at Felix Hospital and get the most economical cost for angiography.


What is CT Angiography?

CT angiography is another crucial diagnostic procedure that doctors may use to examine a person's blood vessels. A CT angiography involves a doctor taking numerous X-rays of a person's body. In comparison to coronary angiography, CT angiography incorporates the usage of several X-rays to help the doctor generate a more detailed image of a person's blood vessels. It also allows the doctor to visualize the blood vessel structure of the patient in two or three dimensions. CT angiographies are noninvasive than coronary angiographies and they pose fewer dangers.

Now you will be delighted to know that Felix Hospital offers the most affordable cost of ct angiography.


What is the difference between coronary angiography and CT angiography?

Coronary angiography and CT angiography are two medical imaging techniques used to visualize the blood vessels of the heart and diagnose coronary artery disease. While both procedures are used to evaluate the same condition, they differ in their invasiveness, imaging technology, and level of detail.

Coronary angiography involves the insertion of a catheter into a blood vessel in the arm or leg, which is then threaded up to the heart. A contrast dye is injected through the catheter to make the coronary arteries visible on an X-ray. This allows the doctor to see any blockages or narrowing of the arteries that could be causing chest pain or other symptoms. Coronary angiography is an invasive procedure that carries some risks, such as bleeding, infection, or damage to the blood vessels. Despite all the odds, Felix Hospital doesn’t let anything stand in your way to get the angiography test, as we provide angiography services with the utmost care as well as offer you the most low-cost angiography price.

On the other hand, CT angiography is a non-invasive procedure that uses CT technology to capture images of the heart and its blood vessels. A contrast dye may also be injected into the patient's bloodstream to improve the visibility of the blood vessels. CT angiography produces detailed images of the heart and its blood vessels, including the coronary arteries, without the need for invasive catheterization. CT angiography is generally considered safe, with a lower risk of complications than coronary angiography. If you are looking for the most budget-friendly cost of ct angiography, simply visit Felix Hospital. We are always there to serve you wholeheartedly and also we care for your pocket as no one does, and that’s why we offer you the most affordable cost on every crucial service you need.  

While both procedures are effective in diagnosing coronary artery disease, CT angiography has some advantages over coronary angiography. CT angiography is a non-invasive procedure, so it does not carry the same risks as coronary angiography. CT angiography can also provide more detailed images of the heart and its blood vessels, making it easier for doctors to identify any abnormalities or blockages. Additionally, CT angiography can be performed more quickly than coronary angiography, which requires time for the catheter to be inserted and positioned. Now don’t wait anymore, just get your angiography test done with Felix Hospital at the most economical price of angiography.


Medical conditions to consider before undergoing an angiography

  • Your medical history, particularly whether you have asthma, allergies, or kidney illness
  • If you have ever had an adverse reaction to medicine
  • Whatever current medications you are taking. Certain drugs, such as blood thinners, may need to be stopped before the test.
  • Fasting - You must fast four to six hours before your test.
  • Additional testing - Prior to the angiography, you may have blood tests, an electrocardiogram, a chest x-ray, and a heart CT (Computed Tomography).

If you want to see the search engine take you straight to Felix Hospital, then simply give a command to it by entering the word- cost of ct angiography.

What happens during coronary angiography?

  • You'll normally be conscious, although you may be given a sedative to help you rest.
  • A small cut (incision) is performed across one of your arteries, generally at your groin or wrist, while you are lying on an X-ray table.
  • A local anesthetic is used to numb the area where the cut is made.
  • A very tiny flexible tube (catheter) is placed into the artery.
  • The catheter is gently guided to the area under inspection.
  • A contrast agent (dye) is put into the catheter.
  • As a contrast agent runs through your blood vessels, a series of X-rays are captured.

Visit Felix Hospital right away for getting the cheapest cost for angiography. Call +91 9667064100.

What happens before a coronary angiography?

  • Eat or drink nothing for eight hours prior to the angiography.
  • Arrange for any transportation to home.
  • Someone must accompany you the night after your test since you may feel dizzy or light-headed for the first 24 hours.
  • You will be required to wear a hospital gown and complete consent documents at the hospital.
  • The nurses will take your blood pressure, start an intravenous line, and test your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
  • A blood test and an electrocardiogram may be required as well.
  • Inform your doctor if you had an allergic response to the dye, if you use sildenafil, or if you are pregnant.

Before getting an angiography test, you can contact Felix Hospital at +91 9667064100. Talk to us and get an estimate of the cost of angiography test.

What happens after a coronary angiography?

  • Your blood pressure, pulse, breathing, and wound site are all examined and recorded on a regular basis.
  • You may be given intravenous fluids for a short period of time.
  • After four hours, you may be permitted to stand.
  • You may be released to go home up to six hours after your recovery.
  • You will be advised to begin with a cholesterol-lowering diet.
  • The cardiologist who performed the operation will provide you with preliminary results.
  • You may need to schedule a follow-up appointment with a cardiologist to discuss your therapy further.

Now you deserve to get your angiography done at the cheapest cost of ct angiography.

When to call the doctor?

  • You need to call a doctor in the case of coronary angiography if:
  • You observe bleeding, new bruises, or swelling at the catheter site.
  • You are experiencing increased pain or discomfort at the catheter site.
  • You experience infection symptoms such as redness, discharge, or a fever.
  • The temperature or color of the leg or arm utilized for the treatment has changed.
  • Weakness or numbness in the implanted catheter's leg or arm
  • You have chest discomfort or shortness of breath.

Talk to the best doctors at Felix Hospital and lay down your every worry, doesn’t matter whether it is the price of angiography.

Benefits of an Angiography

  • Provides accurate diagnosis by visualizing blood vessels and identifying abnormalities
  • Minimally invasive, resulting in less pain and shorter recovery time compared to more invasive procedures
  • Versatile diagnostic tool for a wide range of conditions related to blood vessels
  • Can be used to treat certain conditions, such as blocked arteries, during the procedure
  • Generally considered safe with low radiation exposure and rare complications.

Get the maximum benefits of angiography test by choosing Felix Hospital, where we provide you with the most affordable cost for angiography.

Risks of a coronary angiography

  • Injury to the catheterized artery
  • Allergic reactions to the dye
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Irregular heart rhythms
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Infection

Don’t let the risks affect your decision of having your ct angiography done. Slay down every risk and worry by simply choosing Felix Hospital. We provide you with the
most low cost of ct angiography.

Risk factors of a coronary angiography

  • You grow more vulnerable as you get older.
  • If the surgery was planned or if it is an emergency therapy
  • If you are suffering from blocked coronary arteries
  • If your family has a history of severe heart disease.

Preventions to take after having coronary angiography

  • Standing for more than a few minutes at a time should be avoided.
  • Heavy lifting should be avoided for at least a week after the test.
  • Rest as much as possible.
  • Consult your doctor if you notice any redness, heat, swelling, or discharge from the incision.
  • Drink plenty of water for eight hours following the surgery to help flush the contrast out of your system.


Angiography tests are essential for diagnosing heart conditions but can be costly. Insurance plans usually cover the test but patients must check for any out-of-pocket expenses. Patients should also be mindful of additional costs and should ask about discounts and financial assistance. Overall, prioritizing health and consulting healthcare providers are crucial in determining the right testing and treatment options for individual needs. So considering the overall scenario, you can choose Felix Hospital for getting the best price for angiography.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  • How much does an angiography test cost in Noida?

The cost of an angiography test can vary depending on various factors such as the type of procedure, the location of the facility, and whether or not you have insurance. In general, angiography tests can cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Generally, the cost of a simple coronary Angiography test in Noida can range from INR 8,999 to INR 15,000.

  • What is the cost of an angiography test at Felix Hospital?

Felix Hospital offers you an angiography test at just ₹ 8,999, which is the most low-cost angiography test in Noida.

  • Does insurance cover the cost of angiography tests?

Most insurance plans cover the cost of angiography tests, but the amount of coverage may vary depending on your specific plan. Therefore it is critical to verify with your insurance carrier to understand your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket charges.

  • Are there any additional costs associated with angiography tests?

In addition to the cost of the test itself, there may be additional costs such as facility fees, anesthesia fees, and fees for any additional testing or follow-up appointments. It's important to ask about these potential costs upfront to avoid any surprises.

  • Can I negotiate the cost of an angiography test?

In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate the cost of an angiography test with your healthcare provider or the facility where the test is being performed. It's important to ask about any available discounts or payment plans to help manage the cost.


If you are looking for best hospital in Noida, Visit Felix Hospital or Call +(91)9667064100.

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