Horrible mistakes committed on a daily basis that will weaken your spinal cord

Spinal cord injury is one of the most serious injuries one can have. The damages can be permanent if not treated on time.

As per WHO, globally, every year, between 40 and 80 persons per million population suffer a spinal injury, which means yearly approx. 2.5-5lac new cases.

It is best to prevent yourself from getting hurt. So, what can you do to reduce the risk of  getting a spinal cord injury

General Prevention - Home

  • Keep your house clean. Avoid furniture or fixture which may lead to hazardous falls, especially for children and elderly people (e.g., a slippery mat. A child may fall while running, or an elderly may fall while walking)
  • Do not walk or run on a wet floor or when cleaning. Having a wet floor may lead to fatal accidents.
  • Maintain an ergonomic level when using gadgets like Television, computers, laptop, or mobile phones.
  • Do not move the position of a person who has fallen and suspects that it leads to a spinal cord injury. Moving someone may further aggravate their damage. Seek medical help


Road Prevention – Most on-road accidents lead to spinal cord injury. 

  • Always wear a seat belt while driving and a helmet while riding a bike. Safety should be your priority over style.
  • Never drive when you are drunk, even if you feel you can drive without any problem.
  • Do not use a mobile phone while you are on the road.


Swimming Pool - Prevention

  • Never push anyone into the water. This could lead to severe injuries.
  • Do not dive into the swimming pool with less water. It should have at least 10-12 feet deep water.
  • Keep the surrounding area clean. There are chances that you may slip while walking


Safety at the Playground 

  • Always keep a close eye on small children playing in the garden. They always like to jump, climb, run. A fall can lead to serious spinal cord injuries.
  • Always check the swings, slides, and other equipment for sharp edges and safety before the child uses it.


It is always better to be more cautious and prevent these injuries.

Consult an orthopedic specialist at Felix Hospital for problems related to bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles

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