Do you know, in India, 50% of students suffer from dental issues, while 27% of students have cavities, as per the study conducted by Jarma wellness .

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And as per Indian Dental Association, 95% of adults suffer from gum diseases, and 70% of children have dental caries.

These are alarming statistics. And you must teach your children the importance of brushing their teeth from a very tender age. 

In today’s scenario, training your child on certain things is challenging. As a parent, you get completely drained out by teaching your kids to do numerous tasks. One of them is teaching your kids the importance of good oral hygiene, like properly brushing their teeth.

It is vital to teach your child how proper brushing will prevent their teeth from multiple diseases, tooth decay, gum disease, and teeth loss. 

Continue reading 8 ways to teach your kids the importance of brushing their teeth.


1. Start Early

Oral hygiene should start early, even before the child has any teeth. You should cleanse the mouth after every feed to help them to keep their gums clean and healthy. 

While brushing should start as soon as the first teeth come. Choose a soft bristle brush and clean it with only water. After a year, you should apply pea-sized fluoride toothpaste to a meeting to clean them. Help your child with proper brushing up to age 6-7 years. 

Also, do it twice a day for 2-3 minutes.


2. Help them understand.

Make your child understand why it is essential to brush every day instead of only instructing them to do so. Explain that the food they consume leaves bacteria on their teeth and gums. And if they don’t brush, they will catch many diseases like tooth decay, foul smell, etc. Make the whole experience of brushing their teeth interesting and memorable with creative stories etc.


3. Setup a good example.

Kids follow what they see. Set a good example by following a good oral hygiene habit yourself. This way, you can teach your child brushing is important for everyone. You can also make it a fun family activity by brushing it together.  


4. Teach them the right brushing technique.

Brushing teeth in the right technique is equally essential as simply brushing. You need to teach them the proper technique.

The step-by-step technique to teach your child.

  • The first thing you need to teach them is to hold a toothbrush properly.
  • Then place the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the teeth.
  • Start by placing the bristles of the brush on the gum line and move the toothbrush gently back and forth. 
  • Brush the entire surface of each tooth with a sweeping stroke.
  • Clean the tongue thoroughly.
  • Wash the mouth thoroughly after finishing brushing.

You need to teach your kid with great patience until they learn the proper technique.


 5. Make it a part of a daily routine.

Ensure your kids brush at least twice a day in the morning and at night before bedtime for 2 mins each day. It should be a regular practice to make it a habit. Also, stick to a particular schedule. You can make the experience a fun way by setting up a timer or playing a 2 min song, etc. 


6. Do floss after brushing

You should teach your kids to floss at least once a day after brushing. Introduce flossing their teeth during bedtime. Flossing helps remove bacteria, plaque and possible food remains to prevent gum diseases. Also, teach the proper technique to floss.


7. Take regular trips to the dentist.

Ensure that you take your kids to the dentist regularly once a year to become a routine. This way, they will understand that it is important to take care of their dental health. 


8. Reward them.

Reward them for their efforts. It is a perfect way to motivate them.


Oral hygiene is extremely important as it helps develop strong and healthy teeth.

It also acts as the first line of defense against diseases like plaque, gum, and cavities.

And if good hygiene is not maintained, it can also affect the overall health and their speaking and Eating abilities. 


If you have something similar to share or teach the above hygiene habits, share with us in the comment section below. 

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