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What is Conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis(Pink Eye) is an infection or swelling of the transparent membrane, Conjunctiva, which borders the eyelid and covers the white portion of the eyeball. When you get Pink eye, blood vessels in your Conjunctiva swell up. This makes your eyes appear red or pink.

Now you might be looking for complete information about Conjunctivitis Treatment. So let's have a look.

Types of Conjunctivitis:

1. Viral Conjunctivitis- Viral Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious. The majority of viruses that cause conjunctivitis are transmitted by hand-to-eye contact with infected hands or objects. Touching infectious tears, eye fluid, faeces, or respiratory discharges can contaminate hands. It can also spread by large respiratory tract droplets.


2. Bacterial Conjunctivitis- Bacterial conjunctivitis can spread from person to person in many ways. These include vertical transmission from mother to child, hand-to-eye contact, eye contact with contaminated items, and sexual experiences involving eye-to-genital contact.


3. Allergic Conjunctivitis- An allergic reaction to things like pollen or mould spores can cause an eye inflammation known as allergic conjunctivitis. Exposure to substances like pollen or mold spores can cause your eyes to become red, itchy, and watery. Allergy-related conjunctivitis is highly common. 

Causes of Conjunctivitis:

• Virus

• Bacteria

• Irritants like shampoos, dirt, smoke, etc

• Reaction to eye drops

• Allergy to things like pollen, dust, or smoke

• Fungi, amoebas, and parasites

Symptoms of Conjunctivitis:

• Redness in eyes

• Itchiness in eyes

• Burning eyes 

• Watery eyes

• Blurry vision 

• A gritty sensation in the eyes

• Excessive mucus, pus, or thick yellow discharge from your eye


Diagnosis of Conjunctivitis:

• Vision test to see whether your vision has been impacted

• Examining the conjunctiva and exterior eye tissues under bright light and magnification

• Examination of the inner eye to ensure that no other tissues have been impacted

• Conjunctival tissue smear, usually performed when the pink eye is chronic or the condition is not getting better after treatment


Treatment of Conjunctivitis:

Conjunctivitis Treatment can be done in several ways depending upon the situation.


• Cold Compress- 

People who have dry eyes, pinkeye, or eye pain may find relief from their symptoms with the use of a cold compress, which can also reduce swelling, inflammation, and dryness. Cold compress help reduce the discomfort of swollen eyes and the look of dark circles because they constrict blood vessels.


• Artificial tears- Lubricating eye drops, often known as artificial tears, can relieve the itching, redness, and other uncomfortable signs of viral Pink eye. These drops can also be used regularly to help treat the symptoms of conjunctivitis caused by allergies or other irritants.


• Skipping your contact lens- Avoid wearing contact lenses if you wear them until your pinkeye is healed. Your lenses and case might need to be replaced later. There may be bacteria or viruses there, and you could contract them again.


• Pain-relieving medication- Pink eye can be treated with some over-the-counter drugs, but they won't make it go away. Ibuprofen is an example of an NSAID that may be useful in treating inflammation. Medication for allergies may also help with allergic pink eye symptoms.


Prevention of Conjunctivitis:

• Don't touch your eyes directly by hand.

• Wash your hands often.

• Use fresh towels and washcloths every day.

• Change your pillowcases often.

• Dispose of any eye makeup you no longer need, such as mascara.

• Refrain from sharing any personal eye care products.


Felix Hospital is the Best Eye Care Hospital in Noida, where you will get the best treatment for various eye-related diseases, including Conjunctivitis Treatment.

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