A pilonidal sinus is a type of cyst that develops due to a skin infection, commonly seen in individuals who spend prolonged periods sitting down. This cyst appears as a rounded sac-like structure filled with either fluid or air. It is primarily located in the fold between the buttocks, specifically between the tailbone and the buttock area, and can often be quite painful.Here's a breakdown of the approximate cost of FESS surgery in Noida:

  • Minimum cost: Approximately Rs. 35,000

  • Average cost: Approximately Rs 40,000

  • Maximum cost: Approximately Rs. 50,000

This condition, also referred to as pilonidal cyst disease, predominantly affects men. One of the distinguishing features of this condition is the presence of ingrown hair inside the cyst. Interestingly, it tends to occur more frequently in individuals who have a sedentary lifestyle or those who spend a significant amount of time sitting.Join us as we explore the intricacies of pilonidal sinus surgery cost in noida , equipping individuals with essential information to make informed decisions about their healthcare choices. Contact Felix Hospital today at +91 9667064100 to learn more and embark on a path to optimal health.

What is Pilonidal Sinus?

A Pilonidal Sinus is a specific type of skin condition characterized by the formation of a tunnel or tract beneath the skin's surface. This condition often presents itself with a small hole located at the top of the buttocks, near the tailbone where the buttocks divide, commonly referred to as the cleft.

Understanding the Anatomy

The sinus tract associated with Pilonidal Sinus usually extends in a downward direction between the buttocks. Initially, this condition manifests as a small sac or cyst known as a Pilonidal Cyst. This cyst may contain a combination of hair, dirt, and other debris. Over time, if left untreated or if aggravated, this cyst can progress and develop into a longer tract, thereby evolving into what is commonly known as a Pilonidal Sinus.  Being proactive about the cost of pilonidal sinus surgery can encourage individuals to seek timely medical intervention to prevent complications and promote faster recovery.

Who is at Risk?

Pilonidal sinuses are more prevalent in men compared to women. This disparity is largely attributed to men typically having hairier bodies, especially in the area surrounding the tailbone and buttocks. The presence of excessive hair can increase the likelihood of hair follicles becoming trapped and leading to the formation of a cyst or sinus.

Symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus: Recognizing the Early Signs

Pilonidal Sinus often begins as a seemingly harmless cyst or small abscess in the crease between the buttocks, near the tailbone. While the condition might start mildly, it can progress and lead to more severe symptoms if not addressed timely. Here are some of the key symptoms to watch out for:

  • Pain and Tenderness: Initially, you might experience mild discomfort or tenderness in the affected area. As the condition progresses, the pain can intensify, making it uncomfortable to sit or stand for extended periods. Pilonidal Sinus operation cost should be considered when seeking relief from increasing pain to ensure affordable and effective treatment options.
  • Swelling and Redness: The skin around the Pilonidal Sinus can become swollen and red. This inflammation is often accompanied by warmth in the affected area.
  • Pus or Blood Discharge: As the sinus tract deepens, it may start producing pus or even bloody discharge. This can lead to foul-smelling drainage from the cyst or sinus. 
  • Fever and Fatigue: In some cases, especially when the infection becomes severe, individuals may experience fever, chills, and general fatigue as the body fights off the infection. Being proactive about the cost of pilonidal sinus surgery can encourage individuals to seek timely medical intervention to prevent complications and promote faster recovery.
  • Difficulty in Movement: The pain and discomfort associated with Pilonidal Sinus can limit mobility, making movements like sitting, walking, or even lying down challenging. 
  • Recurrent Abscess Formation: Individuals with Pilonidal Sinus may frequently develop abscesses in the same area, leading to repeated episodes of pain and inflammation. 
  • Skin Discoloration: The skin overlying the Pilonidal Sinus might appear darker or exhibit a bluish hue due to poor blood circulation or the presence of blood in the sinus tract. Being mindful of the cost of pilonidal sinus surgery can help individuals plan and budget for comprehensive treatment that addresses both the symptoms and underlying causes.
  • Hair Protrusion: Occasionally, a tuft of hair might be visible protruding from the sinus opening, indicating the presence of hair follicles trapped within the sinus. 
  • Itching Sensation: Some individuals may experience an itching or tingling sensation around the Pilonidal Sinus, especially as the area heals or during the formation of new cysts
  • General Discomfort: Apart from the localized symptoms, individuals with Pilonidal Sinus might also feel generally unwell, with a sense of discomfort or unease. Recognizing the cost of pilonidal sinus surgery can encourage individuals to prioritize their health and well-being by seeking timely diagnosis and treatment.

Recognizing the early symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate management.

Causes of Pilonidal Sinus: Uncovering the Underlying Factors

Pilonidal Sinus is a condition that often develops in the crease between the buttocks, near the tailbone. While the exact cause remains a topic of debate among medical professionals, several factors are believed to contribute to the development of this condition. Understanding these causes can help in prevention and timely intervention. Here are some of the primary causes associated with Pilonidal Sinus:


  • Hair Follicle Blockage: One of the leading theories behind the development of Pilonidal Sinus is the penetration of loose hairs into the skin, particularly in the buttock crease. These hairs can force their way into the skin, causing irritation and inflammation, leading to the formation of a cyst or abscess. Pilonidal Sinus operation cost is an essential consideration when planning treatment, as early intervention can be crucial for effective management.
  • Friction and Pressure: Prolonged sitting or activities that involve frequent friction and pressure on the buttock area can contribute to the formation of Pilonidal Sinus. This is commonly observed in individuals who sit for extended periods, such as truck drivers or office workers.
  • Poor Personal Hygiene: Inadequate hygiene practices, such as infrequent washing or cleaning of the buttock area, can create an environment conducive to bacterial growth. The accumulation of dirt, sweat, and dead skin cells can lead to infection and subsequent sinus formation. It is essential to prioritize hygiene and be aware of the Pilonidal Sinus operation cost to take proactive measures for prevention and treatment.
  • Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly during puberty, can increase the risk of developing Pilonidal Sinus. This is because hormonal changes can alter the skin's natural protective barriers, making it more susceptible to infections and inflammations.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to develop Pilonidal Sinus. A family history of the condition can increase the likelihood of its occurrence, suggesting a potential genetic link. 
  • Obesity: Excess weight and obesity can exacerbate the risk of Pilonidal Sinus by increasing friction, pressure, and sweat accumulation in the buttock area, thereby promoting the conditions favorable for cyst formation. Maintaining a healthy weight and being mindful of the Pilonidal Sinus operation cost can encourage individuals to adopt a healthier lifestyle and reduce the risk factors associated with this condition.
  • Inactive Lifestyle: Lack of regular physical activity and an inactive lifestyle can contribute to the development of Pilonidal Sinus. Physical inactivity can lead to poor blood circulation, weakened immune system, and increased susceptibility to infections.
  • Previous Injury or Trauma: Previous injuries or trauma to the buttock area, such as falls or accidents, can create an entry point for bacteria and hair follicles, leading to the development of Pilonidal Sinus. Being cautious about potential injuries and understanding the Pilonidal Sinus operation cost can help individuals take preventive measures and seek timely medical attention when needed.

While the exact cause of Pilonidal Sinus remains elusive, these contributing factors play a significant role in its development. Adopting good hygiene practices, maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, and being mindful of the risk factors can help reduce the likelihood of developing this condition. If you suspect you may have Pilonidal Sinus or are experiencing any related symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Early intervention can help alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and promote faster healing. Recognizing the pilonidal sinus surgery cost can encourage individuals to prioritize their health and well-being by seeking timely diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosis of Pilonidal Sinus: Identifying the Culprit Behind the Symptoms

Pilonidal Sinus is a relatively common condition, but its diagnosis can sometimes be challenging due to its location and similarity of symptoms with other conditions. A prompt and accurate diagnosis is crucial for initiating appropriate treatment and preventing complications. Here's how healthcare professionals typically diagnose Pilonidal Sinus:


  • Physical Examination: The initial step in diagnosing Pilonidal Sinus involves a thorough physical examination of the affected area. The healthcare provider will inspect the buttock area for signs of inflammation, swelling, redness, and pus discharge. They may also palpate the area to assess the extent of tenderness and identify any lumps or cysts. This comprehensive examination is essential for determining the severity and extent of the condition, which can influence the pilonidal sinus surgery cost and overall treatment plan.
  • Medical History: Gathering a detailed medical history is essential for diagnosis. The healthcare provider will inquire about the patient's symptoms, duration, frequency, and any previous episodes of Pilonidal Sinus or related conditions. A family history of the condition may also be relevant. 
  • Imaging Studies: In some cases, imaging studies such as ultrasound, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), or CT (Computed Tomography) scans may be recommended to visualize the extent and depth of the sinus tract, assess for abscess formation, and rule out other potential causes of the symptoms. These diagnostic tests provide valuable insights into the condition's complexity, which can influence the pilonidal sinus surgery cost.
  • Sinogram: A sinogram is a specialized diagnostic procedure used to trace and visualize the sinus tract. A contrast dye is injected into the sinus, and X-rays are taken to identify the course, depth, and branches of the sinus tract, helping guide treatment planning. 
  • Culture and Sensitivity Test: If an infection is suspected, a sample of the pus or discharge may be collected and sent to a laboratory for culture and sensitivity testing. This helps identify the specific bacteria causing the infection and determine the most effective antibiotic treatment. Understanding the type of infection present is essential for selecting the appropriate treatment strategy, which can influence the overall pilonidal sinus surgery cost.
  • Biopsy: In rare cases where the diagnosis is uncertain or other underlying conditions are suspected, a tissue biopsy may be performed. A small sample of the affected tissue is collected and examined under a microscope to rule out other potential causes of the symptoms.

Diagnosing Pilonidal Sinus requires a comprehensive approach involving a physical examination, medical history assessment, imaging studies, and specialized diagnostic tests. A multidisciplinary approach involving primary care physicians, dermatologists, and surgeons may be beneficial for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment planning. Early and accurate diagnosis is key to effective management, symptom relief, and prevention of complications associated with Pilonidal Sinus. If you suspect you may have Pilonidal Sinus or are experiencing any related symptoms, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional promptly for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Factors Influencing the pilonidal sinus surgery cost at Felix Hospital, Noida

The cost of pilonidal sinus surgery at Felix Hospital in Noida may vary depending on several key factors:

  • Hospital Reputation and Facilities: At Felix Hospital, renowned for its advanced technology and high-quality care, you may find a different pricing structure compared to smaller or less-equipped facilities.
  • Surgeon's Expertise and Experience: The fees for pilonidal sinus surgery at Felix Hospital may reflect the surgeon's specialized skills and extensive experience in performing such procedures, which can influence the overall cost.
  • Procedure Complexity: The complexity of the pilonidal sinus surgery at Felix Hospital, considering variations in severity, size, and location of the sinuses, can impact the cost. More intricate cases may necessitate specialized surgical techniques or additional procedures.
  • Anesthesia and Operating Room Charges: Felix Hospital may have its own specific charges for anesthesia and the use of the operating room, which can contribute to the overall cost of the surgery.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Prior to the surgery at Felix Hospital, patients may undergo various pre-operative evaluations, such as physical examinations, imaging tests like MRI or ultrasound, and blood tests. These additional assessments may affect the total cost of the procedure.Recognizing the pilonidal sinus surgery cost can encourage individuals to prioritize their health and well-being by seeking timely diagnosis and treatment.
  • Hospital Stay Duration: The duration of hospital stay at Felix Hospital will influence room charges, nursing care, and medication expenses. Longer stays typically incur higher costs.
  • Post-operative Care: The cost of post-operative care at Felix Hospital, including the duration of care, follow-up visits, prescribed medications, wound care, and necessary dressings or supplies, should be factored into the overall expenses.
  • Additional Services: For international patients or those requiring additional assistance, Felix Hospital may offer services such as transportation, accommodation, and language interpreters, which could incur additional charges.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information tailored to your specific needs and circumstances, it is advisable to consult directly with Felix Hospital.Recognizing the pilonidal sinus surgery cost in noida can encourage individuals to prioritize their health and well-being by seeking timely diagnosis and treatment.


Pilonidal sinus surgery is a medical procedure aimed at treating and resolving the symptoms associated with Pilonidal Sinus, a condition characterized by the formation of a small tunnel or cyst in the skin, typically in the crease of the buttocks near the tailbone. While surgery is often considered when conservative treatments fail to provide relief, it offers several benefits for patients dealing with this condition. Here are some of the key benefits of pilonidal sinus surgery:

  • Permanent Resolution: One of the primary benefits of undergoing pilonidal sinus surgery is the potential for a permanent solution to the recurrent cysts, abscesses, and sinus tracts associated with this condition. By removing the sinus tract and any trapped hair or debris, surgery aims to prevent future flare-ups and complications.
  • Pain Relief: Pilonidal Sinus can cause significant pain and discomfort, especially during flare-ups. Surgery can help alleviate these symptoms by removing the inflamed tissue, reducing pressure, and promoting healing. Many patients experience immediate relief from pain following surgery.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Chronic Pilonidal Sinus can severely impact an individual's quality of life, limiting mobility, causing embarrassment due to foul-smelling discharge, and affecting daily activities. Surgery can restore normalcy, allowing patients to resume their regular activities without hindrance or discomfort.Recognizing the pilonidal sinus surgery cost can encourage individuals to prioritize their health and well-being by seeking timely diagnosis and treatment.
  • Reduced Recurrence: While Pilonidal Sinus can recur even after surgery, the risk of recurrence is significantly reduced with proper surgical intervention. Surgeons employ various techniques, including excision and flap closure, to ensure thorough removal of the sinus tract, minimizing the chances of future episodes.
  • Faster Healing: Advanced surgical techniques and post-operative care can facilitate faster healing and recovery. With proper wound care, antibiotics, and follow-up appointments, patients can expect a smoother recovery process and quicker return to normalcy.
  • Prevention of Complications: Left untreated, Pilonidal Sinus can lead to complications such as chronic infections, abscess formation, and the development of sinus tracts extending deep into the tissue. Surgery helps prevent these complications by addressing the root cause of the condition and promoting effective healing.
  • Enhanced Aesthetic Appearance: In addition to functional benefits, surgery can also improve the aesthetic appearance of the affected area. By removing scar tissue, reducing inflammation, and promoting healthy tissue growth, surgery can restore a more natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance to the buttock area.
  • Customized Treatment Approach: Each patient is unique, and so is their Pilonidal Sinus. Surgeons can tailor the surgical approach to each patient's specific needs, considering factors such as the size, location, and severity of the sinus tract, ensuring optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.Recognizing the pilonidal sinus surgery cost can encourage individuals to prioritize their health and well-being by seeking timely diagnosis and treatment.

In conclusion, pilonidal sinus surgery offers a comprehensive and effective treatment option for individuals suffering from this debilitating condition. By addressing the underlying cause and providing lasting relief from symptoms, surgery can significantly improve the quality of life for patients, allowing them to live without the constant fear and discomfort associated with Pilonidal Sinus.


Pilonidal Sinus, though not life-threatening, can severely affect an individual's quality of life due to its recurrent and painful nature. Timely diagnosis and treatment, including surgical intervention when necessary, are essential for effective management. While the cost of pilonidal sinus surgery at Felix Hospital, Noida, may vary, investing in proper treatment offers long-term relief, reduces complications, and enhances overall well-being. Prioritizing health and making informed healthcare choices can lead to a pain-free and improved quality of life for those suffering from this condition.



Felix Hospital is a leading destination for pilonidal sinus surgery, renowned for its specialized expertise and cost-effective solutions. Our dedicated pilonidal surgery unit is focused on alleviating the discomfort and challenges faced by individuals with pilonidal sinus conditions. Equipped with a proficient team of pilonidal surgeons, medical professionals, and support staff, we harness cutting-edge technology and contemporary facilities to ensure optimal surgical results. At Felix Hospital, we place patient well-being at the forefront, offering a compassionate environment tailored to address your unique pilonidal sinus concerns and aspirations. Book a consultation with our GENERAL SURGEONS AND LAPAROSCOPY experts today to discuss treatment options and understand the associated costs. Reach out to us at +91 9667064100 |

FAQs on Pilonidal Surgery

  • What is pilonidal surgery?

ANS. Pilonidal surgery is a medical procedure aimed at removing a pilonidal cyst or sinus. It involves excising the cyst and cleaning out the affected area to prevent recurrence and alleviate symptoms.


  • Who needs pilonidal surgery?

ANS. Pilonidal surgery is typically recommended for individuals who experience recurrent or severe symptoms from a pilonidal cyst, such as pain, inflammation, or infection.


  • What are the types of pilonidal surgery?

ANS. The two main types of pilonidal surgery are incision and drainage (lancing) and excisional surgery. The choice of procedure depends on the size, location, and severity of the cyst.


  • Is pilonidal surgery painful?

ANS. While some discomfort is expected after surgery, pain can be managed with prescribed medications. The level of pain varies among individuals and depends on the surgical approach used.


  • How long does it take to recover from pilonidal surgery?

ANS. Recovery time varies but generally takes several weeks. Most individuals can resume normal activities within 2-4 weeks, but strenuous activities should be avoided for a longer period.


  • What are the risks associated with pilonidal surgery?

ANS. Like any surgical procedure, pilonidal surgery carries risks such as infection, bleeding, wound complications, and recurrence of the cyst. It is essential to follow post-operative care instructions to minimize these risks.


  • Can pilonidal cysts come back after surgery?

ANS. While surgery aims to remove the pilonidal cyst completely, there is a risk of recurrence. Proper wound care, hygiene, and lifestyle modifications can help reduce this risk.


  • How much does pilonidal surgery cost?

ANS. The cost of pilonidal surgery can vary based on factors like the surgical approach, hospital fees, surgeon's fees, and post-operative care. It is advisable to consult with healthcare providers or insurance companies for specific cost details.


  • What should I expect during the pilonidal surgery consultation?

ANS. During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate the pilonidal cyst, discuss treatment options, explain the surgical procedure, potential risks, expected outcomes, and address any concerns or questions you may have.


  • Is there anything I should do to prepare for pilonidal surgery?

ANS. Your surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions, which may include fasting before surgery, stopping certain medications, and cleaning the affected area. It is crucial to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a successful surgery and recovery.


For more information or to schedule a consultation for pilonidal surgery, please contact Felix Hospital at +91 9667064100 |

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