Are you suffering from a torn ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) and finding it difficult to perform everyday activities? ACL surgery could be the solution you need to restore stability to your knee and regain your active lifestyle. When conservative treatments fail to provide the desired results for ACL injuries, surgery becomes a viable option. By consulting with a skilled orthopedic surgeon, you can explore your options, understand the benefits and potential risks, and make an informed decision about your knee health. Take the first step towards recovery and get back on your feet!


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How much does ACL Surgery cost in India?

India is renowned for its affordable and high-quality medical procedures, including ACL surgery. With advanced medical facilities and experienced orthopedic surgeons, India offers cost-effective healthcare options that can transform your life. The ACL surgery cost in India varies based on factors such as the location, hospital, and complexity of the procedure. Generally, the cost of ACL surgery in India can range from Rs. 1,39,980 to Rs. 1,99,983 or more.

Discover Affordable Solutions for ACL Surgery Cost in Noida

Whether you choose Noida or other cities in India, you can access exceptional care and excellent outcomes without straining your finances. Our team of experienced orthopedic surgeons and dedicated staff are committed to delivering quality healthcare at an affordable cost, ensuring you receive the best possible treatment for your ACL injury.

What is the Estimate of ACL Surgery Cost in Noida?

Several factors influence the cost of ACL surgery in Noida, including the type of surgery, complexity of the case, hospital facilities, surgeon's fees, and post-operative care. Here is a rough estimate of the cost:


Starting Cost₹ 1,39,980
Average Cost₹ 1,60,000
Maximum Cost₹ 1,99,983


Discover affordable solutions for ACL surgery cost in Noida at our Felix Hospital! We understand the importance of providing quality healthcare within your budget. Our team of experienced orthopedic surgeons and dedicated staff are committed to delivering exceptional care at an affordable cost. Contact us today at +91 9667064100 to learn more about your options and schedule a consultation.

What are the different types of ACL Surgery and its cost?

There are different types of ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgeries that can be performed based on the specific needs and condition of the patient. The cost can vary depending on the type of surgery and other factors such as the location, hospital facilities, surgeon's fees, and post-operative care. Here are some common types of ACL surgeries and their estimated cost:

  • Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction: This is the most common type of ACL surgery where the torn ligament is replaced with a graft. The graft can be obtained from the patient's own tissue (autograft) or a donor's tissue (allograft). The estimated cost for ACL surgery arthroscopy reconstruction in Noida can range from approximately Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,50,000.

  • Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction: In this type of ACL surgery, two grafts are used to reconstruct the torn ligament, aiming to replicate the natural anatomy of the ACL more closely. The estimated cost for ACL Surgery a double bundle ACL reconstruction in Noida can range from approximately Rs. 1,80,000 to Rs. 3,00,000.

  • Revision ACL Reconstruction: This type of ACL surgery is performed when a previous ACL reconstruction has failed or if there is a re-tear of the ligament. It involves repairing or replacing the failed graft. The estimated cost for ACL surgery revision reconstruction in Noida can range from approximately Rs. 2,00,000 to Rs. 3,50,000 or more, depending on the complexity of the case.

It's important to note that these cost estimates are approximate and can vary based on individual factors and specific hospital pricing. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider or orthopedic surgeon to get an accurate cost estimate based on your unique situation.


Factors affecting the cost of ACL Surgery?

Several factors can influence the overall cost and outcome of ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery. These factors can vary from patient to patient and can impact the complexity of the procedure, the recovery process, and the overall success of the surgery. Here are some key factors that can affect ACL surgery:

  • Type of Surgery: The type of ACL surgery performed, such as arthroscopic ACL reconstruction, double-bundle ACL reconstruction, or revision ACL reconstruction, can affect the cost for ACL surgery and complexity of the procedure.

  • Choice of Graft: The choice of graft used to replace the torn ACL can impact the cost and outcome of the surgery. Graft options include autografts (using the patient's own tissue, such as the patellar tendon or hamstring tendon) or allografts (using donor tissue).

  • Surgeon's Experience and Reputation: The experience, expertise, and reputation of the orthopedic surgeon performing ACL surgery can play a role in the cost and success of the procedure. Highly skilled and renowned surgeons may charge higher fees.

  • Hospital Facilities and Location: The choice of hospital and its facilities can affect the overall cost of ACL surgery. Hospitals with advanced technology, state-of-the-art equipment, and specialized orthopedic units may have higher associated cost.

  • Diagnostic Tests and Preoperative Evaluations: Prior to ACL surgery, diagnostic tests such as MRI scans, X-rays, and preoperative evaluations may be required. The cost of these tests can add to the overall expenses of the surgery.

  • Anesthesia and Operating Room Charges: Anesthesia fees and charges for the operating room and associated equipment are factors that contribute to the overall cost of ACL surgery.

  • Postoperative Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation and physical therapy after ACL surgery are crucial for recovery and optimal outcomes. The duration and intensity of rehabilitation programs can vary, impacting the overall cost.

  • Geographic Location: The cost of ACL surgery can vary depending on the geographic location, as different regions and countries may have different healthcare pricing structures.

It's important to discuss these factors with your healthcare provider or orthopedic surgeon to get a comprehensive understanding of the cost, risks, and benefits associated with ACL surgery in your specific case.

To determine the specific cost of ACL surgery for your case, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider or hospital. They can provide you with a detailed breakdown of the factors influencing the cost based on your specific situation. By discussing your options and booking a consultation, you can find affordable solutions for ACL surgery cost in Noida. Contact our hospital at +91 9667064100 to learn more and explore your treatment options.


Does Insurance Cover ACL Surgery?

Insurance coverage for ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery is commonly available because it is considered a medically necessary procedure to restore knee stability and functionality. ACL injuries often result from sports-related activities or accidents and can significantly impact a person's ability to engage in physical activities.

Left untreated, an ACL injury can lead to chronic pain, instability, and limitations in daily life. ACL surgery is typically the most effective treatment option for repairing or reconstructing the torn ligament, enabling individuals to regain normal knee function and return to their regular activities, including sports.

Insurance companies generally provide coverage for ACL surgery due to its recognized medical necessity and established efficacy. However, coverage specifics can vary based on individual insurance plans, medical history, and specific policy provisions. To determine the extent of your coverage and any out-of-pocket expenses you may incur, it is advisable to contact your insurance provider and review your policy's terms and conditions.

By clarifying your insurance coverage, you can better understand the financial implications of ACL surgery and make informed decisions regarding your treatment options.


What is ACL Surgery?

ACL surgery, short for Anterior Cruciate Ligament surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to repair or reconstruct a torn ACL in the knee. The ACL is one of the major ligaments that provide stability to the knee joint, preventing excessive forward movement and rotation of the tibia (shinbone) in relation to the femur (thighbone).

ACL injuries commonly occur during sports activities, particularly those involving sudden stops, changes in direction, or direct impact to the knee. When the ACL is torn, it can result in knee instability, pain, swelling, and limited mobility.

ACL surgery aims to restore the stability and function of the knee by repairing or reconstructing the damaged ligament. The surgical approach may involve either arthroscopic surgery or an open surgical technique, depending on the individual case and the surgeon's preference.
During arthroscopic ACL surgery, small incisions are made, and a tiny camera (arthroscope) is inserted to visualize the knee structures. The torn ACL is then either repaired or replaced using a graft, which can be sourced from the patient's own tissue (autograft) or a donor's tissue (allograft). Common graft options include the patellar tendon, hamstring tendon, or quadriceps tendon.

The surgeon secures the graft in place using screws, sutures, or other fixation devices, allowing the new ligament to integrate and heal over time. Rehabilitation and physical therapy are essential components of ACL surgery recovery to regain strength, stability, and range of motion in the knee.

ACL surgery is typically recommended for individuals who experience significant instability or those who engage in activities that require knee stability, such as sports or physically demanding occupations. The specific surgical approach and technique may vary based on the patient's age, activity level, and the extent of the ACL injury.

It is important to consult with an orthopedic surgeon or a healthcare professional to determine if ACL surgery is the appropriate treatment option for your individual case and to understand the procedure's potential risks and benefits.

What are the different types of surgery ACL Surgery procedures?

There are several different procedures that can be performed during ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery based on the specific needs of the patient. The choice of procedure depends on factors such as the extent of the ACL injury, the surgeon's expertise, and the patient's goals. Here are some common procedures:


  • ACL Repair: In some cases, when the ACL tear is located at the mid-substance and the tissue quality is good, it may be possible to repair the torn ACL. During this procedure, the torn ends of the ACL are reconnected and secured using sutures or other fixation techniques. ACL repair is typically performed for partial tears or certain specific cases.

  • ACL Reconstruction: This is the most common procedure for ACL surgery. ACL reconstruction involves creating a new ACL using a graft. The graft can be sourced from the patient's own tissue (autograft) or a donor's tissue (allograft). Common autograft options include the patellar tendon, hamstring tendon, or quadriceps tendon. Allograft options include using donated tissue from a cadaver. The graft is secured in place with screws, sutures, or other fixation devices.

  • Single Bundle ACL Reconstruction: In this procedure, a single graft is used to reconstruct the torn ACL. The graft is positioned to mimic the original location and function of the ACL. Single bundle ACL reconstruction is the traditional and most commonly performed technique.

  • Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction: This procedure involves using two grafts to create two separate bundles that replicate the anatomy of the native ACL more closely. The double bundle technique aims to provide improved stability and rotational control of the knee joint. It is often used for athletes or individuals with higher demands on knee stability.

  • Revision ACL Reconstruction: This procedure is performed when a previous ACL surgery has failed or if there is a re-tear of the reconstructed ACL. Revision ACL reconstruction involves removing the failed graft and replacing it with a new graft to restore stability to the knee.

The choice of procedure depends on various factors, including the patient's age, activity level, associated injuries, and the surgeon's recommendation. It is important to consult with an orthopedic surgeon to determine the most suitable procedure for your specific condition and goals.


Preparing for ACL Surgery?

Preparing for ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and successful procedure. Here are some important steps to take when preparing for ACL surgery:


  • Consult with Orthopedic Surgeon: Schedule a consultation with orthopedic surgeon in a reputed  orthopedic hospital to discuss the details of the surgery, including the specific procedure, expected outcomes, potential risks, and post-operative care. This is an opportunity to ask any questions you may have and address any concerns.

  • Pre-operative Evaluations: Your surgeon may request pre-operative evaluations such as blood tests, X-rays, MRI scans, or other imaging tests to assess the condition of your knee and surrounding structures. These evaluations provide important information that guides the surgical planning process.

  • Medications and Supplements: Inform your surgeon about any medications or supplements you are currently taking, as some may need to be adjusted or temporarily stopped before surgery to reduce the risk of complications.

  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Make necessary lifestyle adjustments leading up to the surgery. This may include modifying activities that can exacerbate your knee pain or injury, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in exercises recommended by your surgeon or physical therapist to strengthen the surrounding muscles.

  • Preparing Your Home: Before the surgery, make your home recovery-friendly by creating a comfortable and safe environment. Set up essential items, such as crutches, ice packs, and pillows, at convenient locations. Consider arranging assistance from family members or friends during the initial days after surgery.

  • Pre-operative Fasting: Follow your surgeon's instructions regarding fasting before the surgery. Typically, you will be advised to avoid eating or drinking for a specific period before the scheduled surgery time.

  • Arrange Transportation: Arrange for transportation to and from the hospital or surgical center on the day of the surgery, as you will not be able to drive yourself after the procedure.

  • Follow Pre-operative Instructions: Adhere to any specific pre-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, such as guidelines for taking medications, showering, or wearing comfortable clothing on the day of the surgery.

  • Mental and Emotional Preparation: Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the surgery. Understand the recovery process and set realistic expectations. Engage in stress-reducing activities, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation, to help manage anxiety or nervousness.

  • Support System: Seek support from family and friends to assist you during the recovery period. They can provide emotional support, help with household chores, and accompany you to follow-up appointments.

Remember to follow all pre-operative instructions provided by your surgeon closely. By adequately preparing for ACL surgery, you can optimize your chances of a successful procedure and smoother recovery.


What happens during ACL Surgery?

During ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery, several steps are typically involved to repair or reconstruct the torn ACL and restore stability to the knee. The specific details of the procedure may vary based on the surgeon's technique and the patient's individual case. Here is a general overview of what happens during ACL surgery:


  • Anesthesia: Before the surgery begins, you will be given anesthesia to ensure that you are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. The anesthesia options may include general anesthesia, where you are completely unconscious, or regional anesthesia, such as a nerve block, which numbs the lower part of your body.

  • Incisions and Arthroscopy: The surgeon will make small incisions around the knee to access the joint. Through one of the incisions, an arthroscope, a small, flexible camera, will be inserted into the joint. The arthroscope provides a clear view of the structures within the knee on a monitor, allowing the surgeon to perform the procedure with precision.

  • Torn ACL Evaluation: The surgeon will assess the torn ACL and evaluate any associated damage to other structures in the knee, such as meniscus tears or cartilage injuries. The decision to repair or reconstruct the ACL will depend on the extent and location of the tear, as well as the patient's specific needs.

  • ACL Repair or Reconstruction: If the torn ACL is deemed suitable for repair, the surgeon will suture the torn ends of the ligament back together. This is typically performed in cases where the tear is located at the mid-substance and the tissue quality is good.

  • Alternatively, if ACL reconstruction is needed, the torn ACL will be replaced with a graft. The graft can be harvested from the patient's own tissue (autograft) or sourced from a donor (allograft). Common autograft options include the patellar tendon, hamstring tendon, or quadriceps tendon.

  • Graft Placement: The surgeon will prepare the bone tunnels in the tibia (shinbone) and femur (thigh bone) to position the graft. The graft is threaded through the tunnels and secured in place using screws, sutures, or other fixation devices. This creates a new ACL that will gradually integrate and heal over time.

  • Wound Closure: Once the graft is in place, the surgeon will close the incisions using sutures or surgical staples. Sterile dressings and a bandage will be applied to protect the incision sites.

  • Post-operative Care: After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area to wake up from anesthesia. Pain management techniques, such as medications or nerve blocks, will be used to keep you comfortable. Physical therapy and rehabilitation will be initiated to promote healing, restore knee function, and strengthen the surrounding muscles.

The duration of ACL surgery can vary, but it typically takes around one to two hours to complete. The surgeon will provide specific post-operative instructions regarding wound care, weight-bearing restrictions, and rehabilitation protocols to aid in the recovery process.

It's important to consult with your orthopedic surgeon for a detailed explanation of the procedure and to address any questions or concerns you may have specific to your individual case.

Are there any complications of the procedure?

Like any surgical procedure, ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery carries some potential risks and complications, although they are relatively rare. It's important to be aware of these potential complications and discuss them with your orthopedic surgeon before undergoing ACL surgery. Some possible complications include:

  • Infection: Infections can occur at the surgical site. Signs of infection may include increased pain, redness, swelling, warmth, or drainage from the incision. Prompt medical attention is necessary if an infection is suspected.

  • Bleeding or Hematoma: Excessive bleeding during or after surgery can result in the formation of a hematoma, which is a localized collection of blood. Large hematomas may require drainage.

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): DVT is the formation of a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the leg. It can lead to serious complications if the clot dislodges and travels to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Preventive measures, such as blood thinners, compression stockings, and early mobilization, are commonly used to minimize the risk of DVT.

  • Nerve or Blood Vessel Injury: During surgery, there is a slight risk of injury to nearby nerves or blood vessels. These injuries can cause numbness, tingling, weakness, or vascular complications. However, such injuries are rare in skilled hands.

  • Stiffness and Range of Motion Issues: Some patients may experience stiffness in the knee joint or have difficulty regaining their full range of motion after ACL surgery. Rehabilitation and physical therapy are crucial for minimizing stiffness and improving knee function.

  • Graft Failure or Re-rupture: In some cases, the graft used to reconstruct the ACL may fail or re-tear. This can occur due to various reasons, such as improper graft placement, excessive stress on the knee, or inadequate rehabilitation. Revision surgery may be necessary to address graft failure or re-rupture.

  • Persistent Pain or Instability: Despite successful surgery, some patients may continue to experience persistent pain or knee instability. This can be due to various factors, such as underlying joint damage, improper rehabilitation, or associated injuries that were not addressed during the initial surgery.

It's important to discuss these potential complications with your orthopedic surgeon and adhere to post-operative care instructions to minimize the risk of complications. Your surgeon will provide guidance on managing and monitoring any potential issues during the recovery process.


In conclusion, ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery is a common and effective procedure for repairing or reconstructing a torn ACL in the knee. While complications are relatively rare, it's essential to be aware of potential risks and discuss them with your orthopedic surgeon. Complications may include infection, bleeding, deep vein thrombosis, nerve or blood vessel injury, stiffness, graft failure, or persistent pain or instability.

It's crucial to consult with an experienced orthopedic surgeon who can assess your specific case, discuss the potential risks and benefits, and provide personalized guidance throughout the treatment process. By understanding the potential complications and taking appropriate precautions, you can make informed decisions and work towards a successful recovery after ACL surgery.


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